Written Works

Op-Ed: Political Memes are the Grassroots Lobbying of the Future

If I asked you what a head of lettuce with eyes, a cartoon frog, and the zodiac killer all have in common, I’d be interested to know what exactly you’d come up with.

I’ll let you off easy– the connecting thread is that all of the above are influential political memes. Yes, if you’re stuck living in 2012 (which, frankly I envy you), memes aren’t just the thing “all the kids are into these days.”

LocalYokle (Sample Wordpress site creation)

As part of my certificate from the University of Denver in Digital Marketing, one of our tasks was to design, create, and write copy for a mock business website. The assignment was to create a functional WordPress site consistent with SEO best practices for a fictional tour company offering local tours and experiences in an area we were familiar with.
For this site not only did I design the business and associated aspects such as the logo, but also built the website from the ground up using WordPress, designed the graphical look and feel of the site, and wrote some faux blog content for fictional business.

Fallout: New Vegas- The Past as Present

‘What role should the past have in determining how we live in the present?'
There are few video game franchises as rich and complex as the Fallout series that ask, through the lens of an interactive experience, fundamental questions about the human experience, our shared history, and how we carry both of those things forward. This short piece highlighting Fallout: New Vegas examines how the past can cast a long shadow on the present even in a very different world from our own.

To Metro-land!

The London Underground's Metropolitan Line- a public transportation marvel wrapped in contradiction after contradiction. A subway line...that lives mostly aboveground. A public transport system...that acts more as a private railway line. Metropolitan....but ferrying commuters to the countryside. 'To Metroland!' explores the history of this particular branch of London's public transit system and takes you aboard the strange, contradictory thing that is the Metropolitan line--there and back again.